My thesis has to be how many pages???

100. Seriously it has to be 100 pages. I wasn't really afraid of a thesis since I have already written one, no big deal-- I'm writing 20 page papers every week, whats a 40 pager?? NO 100 pages. I found this out the other day walking form class to the metro station and my friend said she was really going to have to get working on it (she graduates in January). I was shocked when she said 100 pages or 45,000 words-- you choose. So first things first: Dad, I am going to need a new computer so that I am really excited to type 100 pages, the just came out with a new Mac Book we could donate my current one and make it a tax deductible :-). I have no idea what I am going to write about, my undergrad thesis was about 40 pages about, American Holidays: how they were effected by immigration and capitalist culture. Maybe I could just expand that by 60 pages. Either way a new computer is called for

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