Why you should always buy travel books

During my last trip to the book store I bought a "walking tours of Paris" and attempted to go on my first tour. I only got half way through because I had an appointment and ran out of time. While on the tour I walked down the oldest street in Pairs (which I have walked down before and never would have known) and I saw the oldest house in Pairs, built in the 1300's (there is some controversy about if it is-- its also pictured above). I kept walking and also saw the Templar square (which isnt marked), this is where the Knights Templar had their church/ castle...place of residence (lol), when they came in and took over Paris during the Roman times. They basically drained the Parisians of money and were later over thrown, but it was a cool site to see. The funny thing is that it is about 4 blocks from my house and I have walked by about 20 times and if I hadn't had my book I never would have known that it was anything but a park (there is a park on the site now).
I remember when I was in Spain a few years ago and my tour guide showed us the steps that Christoper Columbus met the King and Queen to tell them he had discovered America. But if someone hadn't told you-- it would have just been a normal set of stairs. This is why I love going on tours instead of just going it alone, cause there is so much value added to a place when you can connect it to it's history and some REALLY cool things that have happened there. Now I know why my cross street is Rue de Temple-- because of the Knights Templar.

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