My first day of school

    Today was my first day of school and I enjoyed it. It was from a long day. I should say it was a seminar not a class because of the way the school is set up. We have 2 seminars a month each are 3 days long. During this seminar we are assigned a case study and a group in to work with and we solve the case or make a recommendation to the class after deliberating and researching for 3 days. Then we are given a new case study and 2 weeks to basically become an expert in the field (on our own) and write a 6 page paper-- then we start again. So its a lot of do it on your own. But it really is nice to be back in school. Loves it!

    My class only has 15 people in total. They are from all over the world, some are nice, some are not :-) But I think i should be able to make a few new friends. My friends goal is to exchange phone numbers with one person before the seminar is over on Wednesday. I also think I am going to look into a social group, maybe a wine tasting group, to help me meet new people. Or maybe a weekend traveling group! I will research tomorrow. 
That is another thing I have established  few new rules. See most  people to move out of the country to try to escape rules and I am just making more:-) I will travel to one new city/ country every month. I think the first one will be London (the easiest to do on my own).  I also learned today that I get free admission to the Louve! The French love students-- your student ID is like your golden ticket. So I plan on having a month where I go every Thursday (no class, and not a weekend crowd).  
    After class I walked with a few classmates to the metro, and we made a long detour through Invalides (hard to believe my school is right next to it),  past some great sites (that I wont try to spell publicly, or say for that matter), including Champs D.E.. It was a beautiful day, probably around 65 degrees so it really was a great walk-- true Paris in the Spring time!

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