An unproductive Saturday
Today was pretty unproductive. I got in bed last night at 9pm (wasnt feeling well), then woke up around 8:30. Made a trip to the gorcery store--which I have learned is a much better idea on a Saturday than on a Sunday. Much less crowded, so I could preruse and check all of the food labels etc. You do need to go to about 3 grocery stores to get everything you need because the stores are so small. So I hit up the 3rd store later in the afternoon. One thing I did discover today on my way home was...pigeon. Yes at the butchers. You can buy it to eat, as if it were a miniature turkey. I have been fascinated with food taboos ever since my American food class at Berkeley. Why would it be wierd to eat a pigeon? It a bird, and we eat birds. No, I didnt buy one, but I think it would be interesting to maybe try it out (who ever visits first, gets to try the pigeon with me!). They also have a bunch of other animals that look like they might fit in the same taboo category so i will make it a point to go back with my electronic translator.
I came home and wasnt feeling well still so I sat on the sofa for most of the day, which was a shame because it looked really nice out. I also need to get going on my school work, but when im not feeling well it is impossible for me to function. I did manage later to make may butternut squash loaf. Its kinda like pumpkin pie, but with no crust, and with whatever squash is available. I found a nice looking butternut squash at the farmers market, and its delicious! Hopefully tomorrow I can get some school work done so I dont fall behind so soon! Stay tunned....I have to do laundry too, with my 4x4 washer and no dryer.
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