Since today was Saturday I couldn't go to the prefecture to try to get my visa again so I thought I would do a little site seeing, since I have not done anything but try to get settled. So, I decided to go on over to Muse d'Orsay, which is one of the most admired museums in Paris. It is in an old train station and is really pretty. I took the long way, getting off of the metro by Invalides and walked around a bit before I arrived-- noticing just how heavy my bag was (since i have to carry any food i will need throughout the day). I got there and it was a bit crowded. I had planned on going in but decided otherwise, and that I would return on a weekday when it might be less crowded. I was also feeling a little brain foggy because i ate some cheese last night that I wasn't suppose to-- its so hard to stick to my crazy diet when I cant understand WHAT the labels say!!! A true testament to my diet's effectiveness was that the moment i ate the cheese I immediately felt like i was drunk and still a little fuzzy this morning. SO bottom line-- I didn't go in and will return at another date.
So then I started to take a stroll and realized I needed to use the bathroom. This has been a problem for me since arriving....where are the bathrooms??? GOSH. So I get walking around and end up on St German street, which is a very beautiful and famous street. There is was-- the public bathroom. They have these little pods in the middle of the side walks (there arent a ton, so you're lucky if you find one), that are public toilets. In most places you have to pay. So I get out my wallet and cannot figure out why I cant get my money in. A few minutes later someone comes out of the toilet, and I realize it was occupied. She then looks at me trying to put my money in and shakes her head telling me no money. She motions-- like wait one minute....then she presses the button and it opens without a problem. There is nothing like not knowing how to use a restroom (this is the second time I've had this problem) that makes you feel like a looser. This made me think about all of the things I have done wrong since I have arrived and decided that in each of my posts I will include a "things I did wrong today" section so that we can sufficiently laugh at how Americanly incompetent I am. Then I ate my little lunch on a bench under a tree, it was nice. Made a stop to buy 3 plain t-shirts, so I now own 13 t-shirts :-) still no addition of pajamas....which I also didnt bring. Tomorrow I plan on staying in my neighborhood and walking around--thats it! Just a relaxing day before school starts, and hopefully finding an alarm clock so I can wake up FOR school. Ta Ta!
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